theme axis.text fails to change font size in forest analysis plot

Hi all,

I am using random forest analysis for my dataset. However, the font size of the axis text cannot be changed by adding theme and assigning the axis.text.y. If the plot fails to show the bars, that's because the dataset is too small. But please take a look at the font size that I intended to change.


> test
# A tibble: 10 x 4
    date gender genre   group
   <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>
 1  1778 female diary   s    
 2  1778 female journal of   
 3  1778 male   diary   s    
 4  1778 male   diary   of   
 5  1778 male   journal s    
 6  1782 female diary   of   
 7  1782 female diary   s    
 8  1782 female journal of   
 9  1782 female journal s    
10  1782 male   journal of 

col_names <- names(test)
test[,col_names] <- lapply(test[,col_names], factor)
forest.controls = cforest_control(ntree = 500, mtry = 3)
rows <- sample(nrow(test))
test <- test[rows,]

test$group <- relevel(test$group, ref = "s")
test.forest <- cforest(group ~ date + gender + genre, data = test, controls = forest.controls)
forest.varimp <- varimp(test.forest, conditional = TRUE)
rf.varimp <- data.frame(Imp=forest.varimp, Preds = factor(names(forest.varimp), levels=names(sort(forest.varimp))))

ggplot(rf.varimp[1:3,], aes(Preds,Imp)) + coord_flip() +
  geom_hline(yintercept=abs(min(rf.varimp$Imp)), linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="gray", color="black", width=0.7) +
  labs(x="Predicators", y="Predictor Importance") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 20)) +

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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