Tidyverse etc. successfully installed but unable to open with library(tidyverse) - could not be found

Please help. I am new to R & R studio and have installed it several times with the system defaults. I can install the tidyverse and plyr etc but am unable to use them. When I type library(tidyverse) etc. I get an error message . . . load failed for 'tidyverse' . . . unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files.R/R-4..2.1/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll': Load library failure: The specified module could not be found.

Could this be a permissions / admin rights problem? Stats.dll exists in that location. Why is it wanting to look at Stats.dll when I want to load the tidyverse? So very confusing just now. I'd really appreciate some help.

It seems that downloaded packages are being saved to two different locations: [1] C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/library

and [2] C:/Users/geg30wk/App Data/Local/R/win-library/4.2

I assume this is an issue. How can I fix this so all packages install to the same place and can be found and loaded.

The stats package is part of the base R distribution, have you updated your R version recently? I would try uninstalling R (including the system level package library) and reinstalling it in case I has get corrupted somehow.

It is possible but it would be rare, since by default all users have read permissions on it

Because stats is a dependency for `tidyverse, meaning it uses functions from it.

The first one is the system level package library, base R packages are located there, and the second location is your user level package library, if not specified otherwise, any additional package gets installed there.

Thankyou Andresrcs, much appreciated. cheers

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