To format excel through R

I am trying to format excel file using R, but format is not working.

I tried r2excel package but unable to install it. Is their any packages that can help to format excel, format in the sense is to Increase font , bold, Italic, color etc..,

Let me know for any packages or sample code to format.

The package openxlsx can do some formatting. See the package documentation for all of the options.

df <- data.frame(Label = LETTERS[1:10], Number = rnorm(10), Date = seq(42000, 42009))
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Report")
writeData(wb = wb, sheet = "Report",x = df, 
          startCol = 1, startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE)

LabelStyle <- createStyle(halign = "center",
                          border = c("bottom", "right"), 
                          borderStyle = "thin", 
                          textDecoration = "bold", 
                          fgFill = "#2020FF", 
                          fontColour = "white")
NumStyle <- createStyle(halign = "right", numFmt = "0.00")
TextStyle <- createStyle(halign = "center", 
                         border = "bottom", 
                         borderStyle = "thin")

DateStyle <- createStyle(halign = "center", numFmt = "mm/dd/yyyy")

BkGrdStyle <- createStyle(fgFill = "#DDDDDD")

addStyle(wb, sheet = "Report", style = LabelStyle, rows = 1, cols = 1:3, 
         gridExpand = FALSE, stack = FALSE)

addStyle(wb, sheet = "Report", style = NumStyle, rows = 2:11, cols = 2, 
         gridExpand = FALSE, stack = FALSE)

addStyle(wb, sheet = "Report", style = TextStyle, rows = 2:11, cols = 1, 
         gridExpand = FALSE, stack = FALSE)

addStyle(wb, sheet = "Report", style = DateStyle, rows = 2:11, cols = 3, 
         gridExpand = FALSE, stack = FALSE)

#Append style information to a multiple rows and columns without overwriting
#the current style
addStyle(wb, sheet = "Report", style = BkGrdStyle, rows = 2:11, cols = 1:3,
         gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

saveWorkbook(wb, "Example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

Thank you FJCC.. I will try this and let you know the result. Thank you very much for your help.

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