Trouble with DFIT code and output

I have trouble running and analysis for differential test functioning with DFIT code.

GenderDIF <-lordif(, Qgender, criterion = "Chisqr", alpha = 0.01)
GenderDFIT <-DFIT(GenderDIF). 

The first line runs well but I get the following error after I run the second line:

DFIT Analysis
Group: 1 
Iteration: 19, Log-Lik: -2295.949, Max-Change: 0.00009
Group: 2 
Iteration: 24, Log-Lik: -2690.530, Max-Change: 0.00008
Error in cb[i, ] : incorrect number of dimensions
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In `[<-`(`*tmp*`, group.names[g], value = mirt([[group.names[g]]],  :
  implicit list embedding of S4 objects is deprecated
2: In `[<-`(`*tmp*`, group.names[g], value = mirt([[group.names[g]]],  :
  implicit list embedding of S4 objects is deprecated

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