Unable to access HTTP Request header information inside RShiny


I have a third party application which authenticates the users against LDAP and forwards the logged_user information as a Request Header (HTTP_AUTHUSER) to my RShiny Application. The application is hosted on a Ubuntu machine using Shiny Server. I was trying to use session$request$HTTP_AUTHUSER to get the information into the application, but the output is null.

I was referring to some of the relevant questions on google groups and found this post, which talks about the same problem and explains the underlying issue as same origin policy and higlights a provision in Shiny Server Pro to circumvent this issue by modifying the Configuration (Proxied-Headers)

Is there a way / workaround to achieve the same objective in Shiny Server ? Attaching link to one other method I've tried to access the header information. Any pointers towards this issue resolution are much appreciated.

Other References:
Stack Overflow : Get Header variable in Shiny

Hi @Ravi1008! Welcome to RStudio Community!

It is discouraged to @name reference a user who has not engaged in a thread on their own. Please see the community faq about @name usage


@tbradley Thank you for pointing this out.