Unable to change the format from Factor to Date in R

I have a data sample as below. Tried importing data from CSV to rstudio. Date column is recognized as factors. How to convert the format from factor to dates. I tried the below steps but no use.

  1. Tried below but getting NA NA NA as results

  2. Tried below code but date and month got recognized but year is recognized as 2020 instead of 2019
    diskinfo$days <- as.Date(diskinfo$days, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

Days Object Name Allocated GB Total MB Used MB Free MB Free Space Percent
10/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 52183.04 52181.42636 1.613636364 0.003092069
11/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 46336 46334.19101 1.808988764 0.003904292
12/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61337.6 60292.54444 1045.055556 1.703820818
13/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61798.4 61206.9 591.5 0.957125497
14/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61071.36 58848.82341 2222.536585 3.63900927
15/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61296.64 59537.09455 1759.545455 2.870468316
16/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61276.16 59735.76 1540.4 2.51384392
17/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61337.6 60200.93333 1136.666667 1.852990076
18/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 63191.04 62463.67265 727.3673469 1.151073975
19/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61306.88 60851.68952 455.1904762 0.742451815
20/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61450.24 60327.88583 1122.354167 1.826333629
21/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 56401.92 55281.68364 1120.236364 1.986173082
22/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61440 60635.09524 804.9047619 1.310141265
23/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 60364.8 59866.43158 498.3684211 0.82566285
24/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 57354.24 57162.02723 192.212766 0.33511742
25/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61020.16 60847.94947 172.2105263 0.282239284
26/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 60057.6 59960.99474 96.60526316 0.160847043
27/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 62853.12 62802.22811 50.89189189 0.080974741
28/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 60753.92 59518.47556 1235.444444 2.033545481
29/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 61491.2 60693 798.2 1.298047167
30/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 63047.68 62684.82 362.86 0.575553148
31/03/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 60231.68 59982.96 248.72 0.412916827
01/04/2019 Logical Disk 60.06 56115.2 56070.52609 44.67391304 0.079609476

Have you tried using read_csv() from readr or dmy() from lubridate? That usually does a great job of detecting the right data types. You can also set the parameter stringsAsFactors = FALSE if you are using read.csv().

I would approach it this way:


dat <- read_csv("file.csv") # read_csv does not have stringsAsFactors = TRUE :)

dat <- dat %>%
  mutate(days = dmy(days))

You can also try wrapping days in an as.character() function to get it out of factor mode.


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