Unable to download Readxl and Rcpp packages

I am trying to import excel database and the menu "Data imports require updated version of packages Readxl and Rcpp" always shows up. I have tried to download for several times these packages using "install.packages" function and from the option Packages > Install . It shows that the download was succesful by the message in the console: "The downloaded source packages are in
After that I try to import again the database and the same menu shows up.

Please post the complete console output you get when you run this command

install.packages(c("readxl", "Rcpp"))

I actually used that command and did not work, but I just solved the problem: It needed to get updated. Thank you for your help!

For future reference, just saying "did not work" doesn't give us enough information to help you out.

I asked you for the complete console output so I could troubleshoot your installation problem. You should always post the console output when you have package installation issues.

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