Unable to get Parallel to work in Forecast auto.arima

When I run an auto.arima code with the Parallel = TRUE turned on. i am getting the following error.

Error in mclapply(X = to.check, FUN = par.all.arima, max.order = max.order,  : 
  'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows

My code that I have used for the last 2 years on my old computer looks like this, and it fails when it gets to the auto.arima portion.

    for (i in levels(SalesForecast$`Bill To Name`)) {
    Forecast<-SalesForecast%>%filter(`Bill To Name` == i)%>%droplevels() 
      for (k in levels(SalesForecast$`Product Code`)) {
       Forecast2<-Forecast%>%filter(`Product Code` == k)%>%droplevels() 
          if (nrow(Forecast2) < 15) next
          if (i == "Blount" & grepl("*ALLNAT" , k)) next
        Forecast3<-CalendarForecast%>%left_join(Forecast2, by = "ShipOn Date")%>%
          mutate(Weekday = weekdays(as.Date(`ShipOn Date`)))
        Forecast3$Wgt[is.na(Forecast3$Wgt)]<- 0
        Forecast3$Weekday<-as.numeric(  factor(Forecast3$Weekday, order = TRUE, 
                                                 levels = c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")))
          #Create Time Series  
        ForecastTS<-ts(Forecast3[,4], start = c(2021,01,01), frequency = 365.25)
        #Create XRegression
        Forecastxreg<- cbind(Weekday=model.matrix(~as.factor(Forecast3$Weekday)))
        # Remove intercept
        # Rename columns
        colnames(Forecastxreg)<- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
        #Auto.ARIMA Model
          ForecastTS,d=1,D=1, xreg = Forecastxreg, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE, parallel = TRUE, num.cores = 15)
        #Forecast the future
        ForecastSalesKPP<-forecast(fit_arima_Sales, xreg = xregnew)
        colnames(KPPSalesForecast) <- c("ShipOn Date", "Forecast", "Low 80", "High 80", "Low 90", "High 90")
        KPPSalesForecast$`ShipOn Date`<-as.Date(KPPSalesForecast$`ShipOn Date`)
        KPPSalesForecast[c("Forecast")][(KPPSalesForecast[c("Forecast")]) < 0]<- 0
        KPPSalesForecast<-KPPSalesForecast%>%mutate(`Bill To Name` = i , `Product Code` = k)%>%select(1,7,8,2)
        ForecastOutput<-rbind(ForecastOutput, KPPSalesForecast)

i have tried to used an older version R and Rstudio that match my old computer. it will run without the error BUT it still only uses the 1 Core.

How do I get it to use the multi core again.

Old PC was Windows 10 w/ i9 8 core and 16 logical processors
New PC is a windows 10 w/ i9 8 core and 24 Logical processors
if i run the detectcores() function it shows that there are 24 .

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