Unsupported type passed to argument 'data'

        ~month, ~abortion, ~delivery, ~pregnant,
      "01-01-17",        13,        30,        43,
      "01-02-17",        40,        14,        54,
      "01-03-17",        19,        15,        34,
      "01-04-17",        45,        20,        65,
      "01-05-17",        16,        60,        76,
      "01-06-17",        10,        35,        45,
      "01-07-17",        10,        55,        65,
      "01-08-17",        17,        70,        87,
      "01-09-17",        10,        88,        98,
      "01-10-17",        18,        60,        78,
      "01-11-17",        25,        40,        65,
      "01-12-17",        30,        37,        67,
      "01-01-18",        30,        26,        56,
      "01-02-18",        25,        20,        45,
      "01-03-18",        20,        14,        34,
      "01-04-18",        30,        24,        54,
      "01-05-18",        20,        45,        65,
      "01-06-18",        10,        57,        67,
      "01-07-18",        10,        88,        98,
      "01-08-18",        60,        18,        78,
      "01-09-18",        30,        35,        65,
      "01-10-18",        30,        37,        67,
      "01-11-18",        10,        46,        56,
      "01-12-18",        20,        45,        65,
      "01-01-19",        10,        35,        45,
      "01-02-19",        10,        24,        34,
      "01-03-19",        30,        35,        65,
      "01-04-19",        40,        25,        65,
      "01-05-19",        40,        48,        88

# t <- xts(x=d1,order.by = d1$MthYr)
report <- cbind(df$abortion, df$delivery,df$pregnant)
dygraph(report) %>% dyRangeSelector()

could anyone guide me through how to get rid of this error

report is not in the form required by the dygraph function

Either time series data or numeric data. For time series, this must be an xts object or an object which is convertible to xts. For numeric data, this must be a named list or data frame, where the first element/column provides x-axis values and all subsequent elements/columns provide one or more series of y-values.

Main plot title (optional)

X axis label

Y axis label

Periodicity of time series data (automatically detected via xts::periodicity if not specified).

Group to associate this plot with. The x-axis zoom level of plots within a group is automatically synchronized.

Use an explicit element ID for the widget (rather than an automatically generated one). Useful if you have other JavaScript that needs to explicitly discover and interact with a specific widget instance.

Width in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing)

Height in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing)

I have tried all the things given in the documentation , why is it not working then.
could you please tell me specifically what should I do to pass the error.

library(xts)          # To make the convertion data-frame / xts format
# Create data 
data <- data.frame(
  time=seq(from=Sys.Date()-40, to=Sys.Date(), by=1 ), 

# Double-check time is at the date format

# Switch to XTS format
data <- xts(x = data$value, order.by = data$time)
# Default = line plot --> See chart #316
# Add points
p <- dygraph(data) %>%
  dyOptions( drawPoints = TRUE, pointSize = 4 )

I referred to this example but couldn't convert my time into the desired format.

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