Used to be able to copy paste an image straight into .qmd

Hi, in the past I could paste an image from my clipboard into a .qmd and the image file would automatically save into docs/images/ and RStudio would automatically create a code snippet like ![](images/paste-9F18CD79.png).

Has this functionality changed in a recent version of RStudio (I'm on Studio 2023.3.0.386 on Windows 11)?

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Has this functionality changed in a recent version of RStudio?

Can you share you RStudio IDE version ?

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Apologies. It is RStudio 2023.3.0.386 on Windows 11.

I have the same issue on macOS (RStudio 2023.03.0 Build 386). It worked fine before.

Hi there. I also have the same issue on macOS Ventura 13.3

RStudio 2023.03.0 Build 386

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