Using shinytest on an app in /tmp

I have a shiny app which is created using a package (similar to the golem structure) and am looking to add some tests to the package.

The package contains a function run_dev which returns a shiny.appobj

As far as I understand I can not launch the shinytest::ShinyDriver using the app object directly as it yields

Error: path is not a string (length 1 character)
In addition: Warning message:
In if (grepl("^http(s?)://", path)) { :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

so to get around this I am trying to run the app from a temporary directory such that I can clean up again afterwards. A minimal test might look like

driver = shinytest::ShinyDriver
temp_path = tempdir()
app_file = file.path(temp_path, "app.R")
writeLines("test_package_app::run_dev()", con = app_file)
app_runner = driver$new(temp_path)
expect_equal(app_runner$getTitle(), "test")

But when the app.R file lives in a temporary directory I get the following

Error in sd_startShiny(self, private, path, seed, loadTimeout, shinyOptions) : 
  Error starting application:
Running application in test mode.
Loading required package: shiny
Error : No root directory found in /tmp/RtmpU3lMUs or its parent directories. Root criterion: contains a file `DESCRIPTION`

If I pass the path to the app file instead of the directory that contains it I get

Error in is_rmd(path) : 
  Unknown whether app is a regular Shiny app or .Rmd: /tmp/RtmpU3lMUs/app.R

Further investigation shows that if I try to run the app from this directory at all I hit similar errors

Error: No root directory found in /tmp/RtmpU3lMUs or its parent directories. Root criterion: contains a file `DESCRIPTION`
Error: No root directory found in /tmp/RtmpU3lMUs or its parent directories. Root criterion: contains a file `DESCRIPTION`

Does anyone know what is causing this?

Version info:

R 3.6.2
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS


To add, if I have the app file in the package root this does work OK


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