vector created within a for( in 1 : n) loop is not the same when it is referred to outside of the loop?

Desired output: 2 columns
predictors mycor
x1 -0.077
x2 -0.266
x3 0.086
x4 -0.037
x5 -0.201
x6 0.055
x7 -0.041
x8 -0.306
x9 0.020
x10 0.038
x11 0.444
11 rows

The following code runs just fine if mycor is entered in manually. But if I try to use mycor created within the loop for(in in 1:11) only the last entry .444 is output. See r code below. cbind and data.frame commands are both giving similar results.

predictors mycor
x1 0.444
x2 0.444
x3 0.444
x4 0.444
x5 0.444
x6 0.444
x7 0.444
x8 0.444
x9 0.444
x10 0.444
x11 0.444
11 rows

for(i in 1:11){
v <- paste("x",i,sep="")
v2 <- i
mycor <- round(cor(df2[[v]], df2$y2),3)
predictors <- c( "x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","x6","x7","x8","x9","x10","x11")
mycor <- c(-0.077,-0.266, 0.086,-0.037,-0.201,0.055,-0.041,-0.306,0.020,0.038, 0.444)
corSummary <- cbind(predictors,mycor)

What is happening here?

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, and what happens in functions, including loops, stays in the function’s .Local environment unless explicitly sent to the .Global environment.

There are a few different ways to do this:

  1. Assignment
result <- some_function()
  1. return()

  2. Assignment within function

holder <- vector(length = 16)
for(i in 1:15) holder[i] = i^2

[quote="technocrat, post:2, topic:160513"]
There are a few different ways to do this:

  1. Assignment
result <- some_function()
  1. return()
  2. Assignment within function
holder <- vector(length = 16)
for(i in 1:15) holder[i] = i^2

With a little perserverance, I succeeded.

df$quality3 <- vector(length=6497)
for(i in 1:6497){ 
df$quality3[i] = 1
if(df$quality[i] == 6 )
if(df$quality[i]== 7)
if(df$quality[i] >= 8)    
y3 <- df$quality3

Thank you.

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