vertical space between fluidrow R shiny

Hello i want to remove vertical space between two fluidrows in R shiny.
How can i remove the white space in this the image ?
thak you in advance!


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Hi,thank you for your answer. Actually in ui file in the dashboardbody i put 2 fluidrow but i get a vertical space betwin it. i want to minimise this empty space. This is a part of the code. Thank you in advance.

fluidRow( column(6,imageOutput("onto") ),
                          column(6,offset = 0,
                                 h3(tags$div(HTML("  .مكتب دراسات مختص في..، تأسس سنة 2014 <br> Il fournit des services de sondage de haute  qualité  grâce à ses expertises en variété de techniques qualitatives 
                                  et quantitatives <br> et ceci pour une gamme de clients de tous les continents.<br>"))),
                  fluidRow(column(2,offset = 0,uiOutput("tab")),column(2,uiOutput("m")),column(2,uiOutput("f"))))   

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