Warning: Duplicated aesthetics after name standardisation: colour `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

...Good day, may I know where did this error come from?
Warning: Duplicated aesthetics after name standardisation: colour
geom_smooth() using formula 'y ~ x'

and how should I add the r and p-value rather than it comes out italic(P)... when plotting the correlation graph?

Below is my code:
output$correlationGraph <- renderPlotly({

ggscatter(data = datatable,x='Daily New Cases', y ='Daily Deaths', 
          color = "red",
          add = "reg.line",
          smooth = TRUE,
          conf.int = TRUE,
          cor.coef = TRUE,
          cor.method = "pearson",
          xlab = "Daily New Cases",
          ylab = "Daily Deaths",
          add.params = list(color = "blue",
                            fill = "lightgray")
          ) #for the line


I need to change this output
into this

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