What They Forgot To Teach You About R Workshop - rstudio::conf 2022

This post describes pre-workshop setup necessary for the workshop:

What They Forgot to Teach You About R
at rstudio::conf 2022
July 25-26, 2022
Washington, D.C.

First, please be ready with current versions of both R and RStudio. This means R>= 4.2.0 and RStudio >= 2022.02.3+492, unless you have a good reason otherwise.
See the discussion in Install or upgrade R and RStudio: https://happygitwithr.com/install-r-rstudio.html#install-r-rstudio.

Please also make sure your system is ready to build packages. You can confirm this
by checking if devtools::has_devel() returns Your system is ready to build packages!.
If this returns Could not find tools necessary to compile a package please follow
instructions in What They Forgot to Teach You About R Ch 9: Set up an R dev environment.

Next, it is essential that you complete the Git + GitHub + RStudio pre-workshop setup in advance.

This truly requires your attention before the morning of July 25th. We want to show you how to use Git/GitHub in your life as an R-using data analyst, which means we can't afford to get bogged down in a hot mess of Git installation issues. Let's try to work through them beforehand.

Do what's listed here: Chapter 3 Workshops | Happy Git and GitHub for the useR

This is the thread to use if you need some help.

If you wonder why we've chosen to include Git/GitHub in this workshop, you might want to read Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control? .

Go forth and install Git! :sparkler:

Hi, what time does the workshop begin? I can't find that information on the conference website.

This page is very much in draft form (written mid June), but the schedule is accurate. Workshops run 9-5.

Thank you for the response.

Hi @jasminebro2! If you are looking for more information, the full conference schedule is up now: rstudio::conf(2022) Schedule - RStudio.

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