What's the Most American of American Films? - Table Contest Submission

What's the Most American of American Films?

Authors: Josh Lawrence

Abstract: A look at what movies were the biggest successes in the United States but the biggest failures abroad. Combining information from boxofficemojo and OMDB, I look at what are the most "American" films and show some additional information such as their Box Office Gross, Number of Oscars won (spoiler alert: not many) and Rotten Tomatoes score. Relying on the {gt} and {gtExtras} packages I show that American's may love Adam Sandler, Football, and Christmas... but the rest of the world might not.

Full Description:

Table Type: static-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: data_visualizations/20211003_MostAmericanMovie/most_american_films.png at main · jtlawren67/data_visualizations · GitHub
Repo: data_visualizations/20211003_MostAmericanMovie at main · jtlawren67/data_visualizations · GitHub
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used: false
gt package used: true
reactable package used: false
flextable package used: false
huxtable package used: false
kableExtra package used: false
Other packages: gtExtras