While I use shiny flexdashboard build a company website. Google can only parse "Please Wait...

While I use shiny flexdashboard build a company website. Google can only parse "Please Wait..." in the search result.

Here is the link to the website I build and here is the what it looks link in google search result.

Any suggestion? Anyone else use shiny flexdashboard that can be searched by google successfully?

I am using shinyserver community edition with an nginx proxy.


after read source code of rmarkdown, I realise it is caused by a div box. I am doing some modification and workaround, will update if it works in few days.

    tags$script(src = "rmd_resources/rmd_loader.js"),
    tags$link(href = "rmd_resources/rmd_loader.css", rel = "stylesheet")

  # Shiny shows the outer conditionalPanel as long as the document hasn't
  # loaded; the inner rmd_loader is shown by rmd_loader.js as soon as
  # we've been waiting a certain number of ms
      id = "rmd_loader_wrapper",
      tags$div(id = "rmd_loader", style = "display: none",
               tags$p("Please wait..."),
               tags$img(src = "rmd_resources/rmd_loader.gif")))),
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