Words in Shakespeare - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

Words in Shakespeare

Authors: Megan Stodel
Working with Shiny for 1+ years

Abstract: Shakespeare only used the word 'hedgehog' once in his plays. This app means you don't have to read them all to find out where. Or just search for any word that interests you and have some fun exploring! This app shows details of how often and in which plays Shakespeare used words you search for.

Full Description: # Words in Shakespeare
This Shiny app allows the user to explore the words in Shakespeare's plays. By typing in a word of their choice, the user will be shown:

  • The number of times the word appears in Shakespeare's plays
  • Which play uses the word the most times
  • What type of play uses the word most relative to other words
  • A random quotation using the word

The deployed app can be found here.

More detail on the app can be found in the following blog posts:

Words in Shakespeare: exploring the data

Words in Shakespeare: styling in Shiny

Using the Words in Shakespeare app

Category: Other
Keywords: literature, text analysis, shakespeare
Shiny app: https://meganstodel.shinyapps.io/shakespeare-words/
Repo: GitHub - MeganStodel/shakespeare-words: A shiny app to explore the words in Shakespeare's plays
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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